I knew everything about kids, before having my own. 

Then tantrums, bedtime and homework battles happened and I learned the true meaning of, tedious, infuriating and lonely. So I set out to debunk how to: 

  • Disarm power struggles 
  • Stay loving even when setting firm boundaries
  • Inspire kids to take responsibility, have empathy, problem-solve
  • Lighten up, spend less time lecturing, feel close as a family

I found that Positive Discipline and No Drama Discipline helped me deepen my connection to my kids and feel confident about my parenting choices.

What People Are Saying About Kai's Workshops:

"Kai is a skilled facilitator. She brought together 12 mamas and created a space for people to feel comfortable and vulnerable. Excellent training!" 

"It's helpful to learn theory and research along with shared stories and strategies from other moms in the trenches." 

"It is a gift to yourself to take time to think about your parenting."