Nanny Coaching

Nannying, like parenting can be isolating. Unlike providers in childcare centers, nannies don't have coworkers, a supervisor or state required training to support their professional development. During Nanny Coaching, your nanny can troubleshoot the specific situations around which she needs support and skill building so she's better equipped to do the best job possible for your children. 

We already know you're great with kids, nobody lasts a week as a nanny if they're not. Yet so often as nannies, we're shooting from the hip. Nanny Coaching gives you specific strategies to use right away with your unique nanny kids. 

Nanny Coaching is one-on-one in person, on the phone or via Skype or Google Chat. Sessions can cover topics like: 

  • Sibling rivalry
  • Power struggles 
  • Getting out the door faster
  • What to do with the kids this week
  • How to put your childcare philosophy into practice
  • How to help kids develop kindness, responsibility and creativity 

Your Family's Values
Prior to coaching, parents complete the questionnaire below about their family's values. That information is used to tailor Nanny Coaching. 

Parents Pay for Nanny Coaching
It is recommended that parents pick up the tab for Nanny Coaching. This is a show of support to your nanny and an investment in the childcare your children receive.

Bringing Up Nanny Coaching
Some parents worry that offering Nanny Coaching to their nanny may come across as punitive. As a way to break the ice, let her know that you appreciate the fantastic job she's doing and recognize how challenging childcare can be. Consider sending her this site's link and tell her you want to support her professional growth. 

Sign Up

Nanny Coaching is NEW and FREE! 
I have just started to offer this service and would love to coach some nannies for free.
To schedule Nanny Coaching email Kai at

One hour one-on-one in a Seattle location near you, on the phone or via Skype/Google Chat. Sessions are available in the evenings and on weekends.

Kai compassionately helps her students move to a new level and I think that is in essence what makes her a great trainer.
— Christina Bachman Director GLSA

Parents: Please complete the following questionnaire prior to coaching.