When Charlotte called, "who wants to play freeze tag?" we all ran and put in our feet to find out who would be "it."
Read moreBe Sincere
Rosie, a young nanny friend and I were sitting in an adorable Mexican restaurant when she asked me how to approach the fights her nanny kids had been having. I modeled some empathetic phrases she could use when the older sister feels hurt as well as a few questions she could ask to hold each child accountable for her actions. After talking through several scenarios, Rosie said: "I get it, I need to be sincere!"
Read more3 Tips for Destressing
I am a firm believer that our most powerful tool as nannies is modeling. Modeling kindness is at the tippy top of my list of ways to teach kids compassion. But I hadn't heard many practical tips to help us destress when our nerves are frayed so we CAN model kindness - until this week.
Read moreWalking Home Takes Forever
Most sunny days I like to pick up the bigger kids from school on foot. It's nice for them to decompress in the fresh air before starting homework. The only challenge is, walking home takes forever.
They want to touch flowers, hunt for perfect sticks, squabble about who gets to ride in the stroller, pet their favorite neighborhood cat and on and on.
Read moreDitching Competition in Favor of Fun
Kiddo and I stood at either end of the backyard ready to "play soccer" i.e. kick the ball back and forth. Right away he asked, "are you better than me? Will I win?"
I froze. I wanted to connect with this kid, have fun, build our ability to work together. Not compete. So I said, "let's invent a new game!"
Read moreCoaching Siblings Through, "That's Mine, Give it Back!"
"That's mine, I had it first!" Older brother shouted to younger sister as she ran and hid under the kitchen table. I wasn't sure who did have the book first so I couldn't just settle the argument. In order to figure out what to do, the kids and I had to talk things through. The end result was nothing less than a sibling breakthrough.
Read moreEmpathy - Having It Oursleves
I was standing at the sink when the two year old came around the corner and asked for another cookie. I said no, he'd already had one. The tantrum ensued. He stomped and screeched, "I want another cookie!" After a few minutes without a response from me he just started saying, "I want sugar!"
It was annoying and I just wanted him to stop. Hadn't I just explained that he'd had one already? I mean, sheesh!
Read moreLet's Label Behaviors, Not People
She's shy. He's aggressive. What a good helper. You're a born leader. I'm a picky eater.
Read moreInvitation to Play
Do you know this routine?
You: "Want to draw?"
Kid: "No."
You: "Want to do puzzles?"
Kid: "No."
You: "Want to build with Legos?"
Kid: "No."
Mud Kitchen
Spring is here! It's time to move play outdoors. One hot spot in our yard is the mud kitchen. The name says it all.
Read moreThe Real Reason to Sing Lullabies
It's cool to know that our ancient instinct to sing to crying babies has the ability slow their heart rate and help them feel calm. I like the, "shh shh shhhh..." method too.
I spent A LOT of time bouncing, rocking and shhhing my baby girl when she was tiny. It did help her. But it also slowed my heart rate, chilled out my tense shoulders and quieted my racing frustrations. I think it was all the exhaling.
Read moreWhat To Do When You're Feeling In Over Your Head
Today I feel in over my head. Like the job of raising kids is too big. Like the lessons I think I'm teaching aren't sinking in. Like my mistakes outweigh my successes. And maybe everybody knows it.
Read moreLess Is More: Toys
We already know this. We makes jokes about babies liking the box more than the present. We read magazine articles about decluttering. I for one can't remember the last time the beautiful dollhouse in our playroom was played with. So why are we drawn by the allure of fancy toys again and again?
Read moreResisting the Urge to Say, "Good Job!"
My two year old is in the, "myself" phase. He doesn't want help putting on his shoes, opening the door or carrying his plate to the sink.
Lately he's started saying, "don't see me" (i.e. go away) when he's working on one of these new skills. I was a little shocked at first because I wanted to cheer him on!
Then I remembered Alphie Kohn. The dude who wrote Punished By Rewards and the article Five Reasons to Stop Saying "Good Job!"
Read moreOne Fun Way to Clean Up
...I looked around at the mess in the playroom and decided to try that trick with the kids. But we used books instead of TV.
Read moreCooperative Board Games
Have you played Hoot Owl Hoot or other cooperative board games?
Read moreWhy Kids Can't Answer, "What's Wrong?"
Have you ever known a young child to cry, shriek, jump up and down, throw themselves on the floor? (Really, you have? Me too, go figure! ;)
Read moreCutting with Scissors
We call this: cutting with scissors. While cute craft projects are fun, super simple art activities work great for young children.
Read moreShamelessly Wielding, "Because I Said So"
Probably the most important principle in my work as a nanny is that children deserve the same amount of respect as adults. But that doesn't mean they should hold the same amount of power.
Read moreClassic Childhood Games
Follow the Leader. Hide and Seek. Simon Says. Red Light Green Light. Tag. You don't need equipment. Kids of different ages can play together. They're super fun. And they're spilling over with life lessons.
Read more